Niima Boa

Photo taken by Nicolaj Springborg / edit by me

Hi guys!

I hope you are doing well. I have been busy with school and all the work that comes with it and also besides that having a part-time job. I wanted to say hi and keep you guys up to date with what I have been doing in the last couple of months. I don’t have a new outfit look, for you guys. But some studio photos, that my classmate took during a week project.

Besides school, I have been busy making a new portfolio site, for all my photographies – that you can check out – HERE. A mix of old and new photos.

With time it will be updated. The latest project I have shoot, is by a classmate and former model. Wearing Soeren Le Schmidt, a well known danish photographer.

I have also been modelling for a commercial, that I might show here on the blog when it comes out. The styling was far from what I’m used to wearing. But it was a fun shoot. Can’t wait to see the results.

With all the things I have been busy with, I have tried to maintain my workouts. Which have been a confident booster.

I’m still smoke free, even though I have slipped a couple of times, when I have been out drinking. I still haven’t been smoking on a regular since August. Which have given me a lot more energy.

Serie – The upside down by Moi. Model – Sebastian Solkær

Au Revoir, peepz!

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